Wessex Motor Club PC9 entries
# Driver Navigator Car Status
Jane Haley (RUC) Toni Gowland (RUC) Vectra RUC 
Richard Lawley (PC) Nick Clarke (PC) Citroen Saxo PC 
Dan Moss (PC) Rob Stevenson (PC) 205 GeeTeeAyii PC 
Russell Goodrum (PC) Tom Richards (PC) Ford Fiesta PC 
Calum Maciver (PC) David Coles (PC) Mini PC 
Laurent Wallis (NE) Owen Pryce (RUC) Fiesta NE 
Steve Barnard (NE) Jonah Nuttgens (NE) Sprint NE 
Phil Kendall (NE) Susan Broughall (NE) Pug 309 NE 
Carl Gibbs (NE) Lizzie Pope (NE) 205 DTurbo NE 
Toby Jeffries (NE) Dick Howatt (NE) Nova NE 

Names marked with a * could not be automatically matched to a member.

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